arrivederci Italia.

With the final week in Roma, came finals at school. I had a presentation on Monday, one final on Tuesday, and three finals on Wednesday. I thought that all of them went pretty well, despite the fact that my hand felt like it was going to fall off by Wednesday night. :) Thursday I spent time doing some souvenir shopping because if there's one thing I excel at it's procrastination. It was a gorgeous day out, so I got my last gelato and walked to all the stores, taking pictures along the way.

My last gelato in Roma. :(

Castel Sant'angelo.

The best surprise was when I went into Piazza Navona, the four rivers fountain was finally uncovered. It's my favorite fountain in Roma and it had been covered since I got there. The fountain is by Bernini and represents the four continents known at the time by their major rivers, as well as representing the four natural elements. I love it! I'm sure everyone thought I was crazy since I was walking alone and had a huge grin on my face.

Piazza Navona with the uncovered 4 Rivers Fountain.

4 Rivers fountain.

4 Rivers fountain.

Artist in Piazza Navona.

That night was the farewell event at AUR. Everyone was there and even though AUR is such a small school I would swear that there were people at this party that I'd never seen before in my life. We'll just assume that they were there for the free alcohol and didn't participate in anything else. After the event a huge group of us went out. It was an extremely chill night and a good end to the day.

Zombie crew.

Beautiful ladies. [Jessica, Clara, Vivi, Danielle]

Friday consisted of more shopping, walking around, and packing. For dinner, Danielle, Clara, Vivi, Marina, and I all went to Pan Cotto on Trastevere despite the rain that had started to downpour. I got the fettuccine and zucchini, which was delicious. Then for dessert I got the Pana Cotta with chocolate sauce. Yum! It was a lot of fun!

Piazza Navona.

Street performer.

Fountain with Senatus Populusque Romanus.

This pretty much looks like a Pokemon.

Saturday I got up early to finish packing up. My roommates left really early yo catch a shuttle to the airport, but luckily for me my plane didn't leave 8 that night. Clara came over after dropping her luggage off in storage and we had a very pathetic meal of pasta with garlic salt. The rest of my food was either consumed or thrown away. We then headed to Vivi's, as I was storing my luggage there until we left for the airport. Then we all headed over to Danielle's to help her take her stuff to Mickey's, as she wasn't leaving until Sunday morning. It really is an inconvenience to not have a car to drag bags around! Once all the bags were in the proper location we headed to the city center to have lunch. We all got one last pizza before heading to Piazza Navona, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, and Bocca della Verita.

Me and Vivi at lunch.

Clara and Danielle.

Vivi ruining my picture. :)


Oh Pinocchio.

Throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain ensuring that I will return.

This time I wasn't so lucky...

The head of St. Valentine. This one's for all the lovers out there. ;)

The temple of Hercules.

It was a good way to end Rome. We then said goodbye to Danielle and gathered all of our bags and set out for the airport.