
My last Friday in Rome was quite a full day. I started the day by hanging out with Vivi and going shopping for souvenirs. As we passed the sights I took them all in as I knew that the end of my stay in Rome was in sight. After shopping around we met up with Stephen, his friend Laura, Taylor, and the deacons at AUR for a tour of Arcibasilica Papale di San Giovanni in Laterano, or in English, The Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. Before the tour we went to a cafeteria at the university across the street. It is where Michael (the deacon and tour guide) goes to school. Let me tell you, Italian universities know how to do cafs. It was really good, and really cheap. After lunch we headed over to the basilica. It is the number one bascilica in the world and is the official church of the Pope. I was really surprised to learn this, as I always assumed that St. Peter's at the Vatican was top dog. Guess not. Michael did a great job giving us the tour and it was really interesting. After we got done, Vivi and I went back in and took some more pictures, here's the result:

The main alter at St. Johns.

St. Peter and St. Paul. It is said that a piece of each of their skulls are in the respective statues.

The last supper, supposedly a piece of the actual table is behind this work.

The Pope's chair.

Me in front of the doors. They are from an ancient basilica in the forum.

Detail on the doors, pregnant women would rub the acorns if they wanted a boy.

After leaving St. John's we went and walked around Verano for a bit just enjoying the nice weather and chatting.




Afterward we went to Clara's gallery. She is in an Art Gallery Management class at AUR and the final project was putting on a gallery. They had six different artists and even has a graffiti artist doing live art during the opening. A lot of people I know came and it was a very relaxing evening.

Work of the graffiti artist.


The night ended with Danielle, Stephen, Vivi, Marina, Jessica, and me sitting on the river with a bottle of wine. Good times.
