Galapagos: Santa Cruz (Round 3)

We headed back to Santa Cruz to spend 3 more days in Puerto Ayora. 

Awesome turtle car driving back into Puerto Ayora. 

Frightening tequila shots! :] [Liv, Kara, Brett]

Kara, Forrest & Brett.

Group photo for the night.

Jam session with some of the locals. 

Beach day at Garrapatero beach.

Extremely blurry, but had to share. Every weekend they have this caterpillar ride from the main square. So of course as we were on it the canopy over Brett, Liv, Joe and Kara's car broke and they had to stop the ride. Then right after this picture was taken the attendant squeezed in and held it the rest of the way. Being in my unbroken car I found it very entertaining! :)

Our last full day on Santa Cruz we went to El Chato, which is a tortoise reserve. Obviously our group is great at following the rules! 

This is where we walked knee deep through swampy water to see a tortoise. Even our guide Migel didn't walk through it. I'm sure he thought we were crazy.

Said tortoise. 

Muddy muddy feet!

Tortoise lounging in the mud.

We got up early the next day to head back to Ecuador. Thankfully our travel day went on without a hitch and before we knew it we found ourselves in the cloud forest! :) Post to follow.