
The original plan for leaving Reno, was to fly from Reno to Salt Lake City and then from Salt Lake City to Portland. Since I have such good luck, I got bumped from the first flight and wouldn't have been able to get to into Portland until 9:00 pm. After talking with the agent, I was able to pay $40 to fly a direct flight from Reno to Portland that got in two hours earlier then my first plan! :)

After getting picked up by my Aunt, we stopped by Multnomah Falls so I could take some pictures of the frozen falls. Then I spent the rest of the day/evening with my grandma in the kitchen. We made chicken gravy and dumplings and then baked an apple pie for dessert! Can you say delicious!?!?!


Multnomah Falls.

Pie Making.


She's a pro! :)


Eventually I'll get good at kinking pie crust...

The next day I went to church with my grandma in the morning. I love watching her direct the choir (and singing of course!). After church Lisa took me to the show "Hair" in Portland. It's a musical about hippies in the 60s. Some of the more popularized songs are, 'Age of Aquarius' and 'Let the Sunshine In.' It was a fabulous production! :D


After the show we went to Powells where I spent far too much money on books! I then spent the rest of the evening sitting in front of the heater with a book and pie! :)

The next day was my grandma's 85th birthday! We slept in and had a big breakfast and then I spent the majority of the afternoon baking birthday cake and copying recipes out of my grandma's cookbooks. That night we had my grandma's favorite meal, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, and rolls. It was AMAZING! We ended the night with birthday cake and presents. It was a great day!


My beautiful grandma!

Sadly the next day I had to head back to the midwest! Of course the last day of any vacation has the best weather, so I had a gorgeous view of mountain when I woke up. My grandma had surgery in Portland the next day, so we all headed into the city.

Mt. Hood.

This time I got lucky with flights! I switched from my original flight to a flight that got delayed earlier in the day. Because of this I got first class and got in early! Sometimes I love flying standby! :)

Lindsey MittendorfComment