
Two Tuesdays ago I met up with a friend from high school, Laura. She's studying abroad in Spain, and came to Italia for her spring break! Her great-great grandparents were from L'Aquila, Italy so she wanted to go and see the city. L'Aquila is about 2 hours from Rome and into the hills a bit. Last year on April 6 the city got hit by a 6.3 earthquake. The town is still heavily in renovation and you can really see the damage.

Here's some pictures of our journey:

One of my favorite things in L'Aquila was the keys. At one fence blocking a damaged section of the city there was a sign that read "1000 keys to repair the city." There we literally 1000s of keys! It was very cool.

All in all, it was a really good time! The only bad thing is that Laura lost her camera on the way home! :( I've been trying to get a hold of the company but as you know Italians are not very efficient! I still have hope though!

More blogs shall be coming!