la famiglia.

After finally getting through midterms I had a whole week off for spring break!

On Friday I went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I absolutely loved it and plan on buying it the second it comes out! :]

On Saturday I woke up bright and early to catch the train to the airport to pick up my mom, my dad, and Josh! It was super exciting to see them in person after 2 months of being separated! After a train, a bus, and a tram we got back to the apartment and settled in. We had a relaxing first day of just walking to some of the smaller sights in Rome such as the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Spanish Steps and Jewish Ghetto. Everyone was pretty wiped out so we all took power naps before going out to dinner. We found a cute restaurant in Trastevere and had a very good meal. We then got some gelato and walked around Rome at night! It was a great first night.

Throwing coins in the Trevi Fountain.

The next day we decided to go to the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, and Palatine hill. We walked to the bus stop and were waiting for the bus, but it drove right past the stop, then we went to wait for the tram and it didn't come at all. We decided to just walk since it wasn't that far. Turns out the Rome marathon was going on so all of the public transportation was screwed up! In addition to that the finish line was at the Colosseum. Just our luck! Despite that though it actually wasn't too crowded in terms of Rome, plus it was interesting to observe the runners. We decided to stay in for dinner that night and cooked a homemade meal at my apartment! It was delicious!

My dad, Josh, and me.

Name that movie!

On Monday we went to St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museum and I made my parents climb all 551 steps to the top of St. Peter's to see the gorgeous view! :)

My mother on top of St. Peter's.

My dad in St. Peter's.

I was really excited to see the Vatican museum again, as I hadn't be there this trip yet. The first part was overwhelmingly crowded, but as the labyrinth continued, the crowds dwindled a bit and it became much more pleasant! The Sistine chapel was just as awe inspiring as I remembered. Plus there was a section on Egyptian art which got me really excited for the weekend! [[More on that soon!]]

That night Josh, Clara, and I went out. We went to Campo di Fiori, where we met an Italian named Pino. He was a palm reader so he read all our palms. Clara was first and he said she was a crazy selfless girl who was unappreciated and had wonderlust. Also, apparently she had an accident in her past and she will be very rich. Josh was next and Pino said he will never be rich, but that he will be happy. Also, Josh loves his parents and wants to fly in the sky. Not on a plane though, apparently Josh will be superman! :) Finally it was my turn. Pino said I love the stars (I wonder if he saw my tattoo?) and that I love nature and the outdoors! Very true! Then he said I'm very emotional and like to share. And to end it all he said that I am and will be very rich, though possibly not money wise! Thanks for the insight Pino! It was a VERY fun night!! :D

Tuesday was the family's last day in Rome. :( We decided to just have an easy day and walk around Rome to do some shopping. I took them to Campo di Fiori where the daily market is. They found some fun trinkets to take home. We then walked to Piazza Navona for some gelato and to look at all the local artists! I love that it's finally nice enough out for them to re-inhabit the piazza.

Gelato. My mom getting creative with the camera. :]

I then took them to see the bone chapel and since it was closed for another hour we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. We walked through the bone chapel, where it was quoted as "the most disturbingly beautiful thing." We then went back to the apartment to pack up our things and go to bed early. We had to wake up at 1:30 in the morning to catch a bus to the airport. We said our goodbyes and I headed off to Cairo and they went home.

It was a really good visit and I was soo glad I got to share a little bit of Roma with la mia famiglia! :]