vita quotidiana.

On Saturday there was an AUR BBQ at the school, it was raining throughout the morning, but when I left the sun was shining! By the time I got off the tram, it was a complete downpour! Gotta love Rome in the winter! The BBQ was a lot of fun! I got a free meal and met some fabulous people.

After being at the BBQ for about 2 hours Brittany, Stephen, and I decided to go find the Spanish Steps. Brittany is an avid watcher of the travel channel and heard that the number one McDonalds in the world was by the Spanish Steps, so that was our side mission. Along the way we saw the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain again. We successfuly found the McDonalds but sadly the salad bar with squid that Brittany wanted so much was no where to be seen, so we decided to not eat there. We then hiked all the way up the Spanish Steps and took in the beautiful view it provided.

Afterward we decided to walk towards somewhere with food so we ended up walking down a street that had all the really expensive stores. Armani, Hugo Boss, Tiffanys, Chanel...I definitely just walked past them. I like flea markets much much cheaper. Eventually we made our way to Piazza del Popolo, which had some really pretty statutes, churches, and obelisks. Pretty much everything you'd expect to find in a Piazza.

We ended up getting dinner right by our school, I had a broccoli, cheese, and some kind of meat pizza. It was super good! I'm sure I'll be going there more often. I then went home and had my first experience at the supermercato. I got a bunch of food to eat at home, along with really cheap wine, and grissini al rosmarino. Grissini al rosmarino is a rosemary bread stick, but they are hard and sooooo good! I'm definitely obsessed.

Today we went to the Porta Portese market. It's every Sunday and is literally a block from my apartment. The market is HUGE!!! You could wander for days! This is definitely where I will be stocking up on cheap scarves and boots! Yay cheap shopping! After walking around in the rain I came back to my apartment and passed out for a few hours. I do love to nap! :]

Tonight Viviana and I went to a club called Caruso Caffรจ. It was a lot of fun. We got to dance to Spanish and Cuban music. After being there for an hour or so we realized that this club is also a gay bar which explained why there were soooo many stylish guys! Hahaha!

Well tomorrow my classes start! I have Masterpieces of Italian Opera and Environmental Science! Should be a good day!

Buona notte!